我的房子是townhouse, 比来换了个租客,一个鬼婆带着一个孩子,在看房子前她表现想尽快签约,而且对房子也没提甚么意见,我看是母子俩不想租,后果中介私自赞成了,那也没问题。在做屋宇反省时发现房子车库有漏水,车库顶有一片霉菌,其中的一个房间屋顶也有一小片霉菌。就分割strata company要求反省漏水问题,strata company 反省后发现有漏水,但半个多月也不派人来培修,我和中介都发邮件讯问,也不回覆。我曾经让中介找除霉菌的公司花了880除了霉菌,然而明天租客以屋宇前提差,要求减租,并说假如她儿子有甚么安康问题将会起诉我,请看下列租客邮件:No one has contacted me to repair any leaks still…. I would think strata would view an internal leak as an emergency!?
I am due to pay rent tomorrow and am questioning why I am paying so much for a substandard living environment?… I think we can all agree it’s unfair.
I feel a rental reduction is only fair for the inconvenience I am experiencing until the issues are repaired.
I have had to purchase an air purifier and damp rid in large quantities…. An expense that I wouldn’t normally need.
I am trying to get my hands on a dehumidifier to address the severe amount of moisture and the cheapest I can find is $300 on Kogan…. Again another expense I wouldn’t normally need.
If this affects my sons health in any way I will very quickly be escalating this situation to my solicitor.
I now have been informed I need to move everything in the garage to get the mould removalists in next week… I have a bad back and will need someone to help me with this… another inconvenience.
Can you please advise me on a suitable amount of weekly rent that you think is fair under the circumstances I am experiencing.
租客刚刚签完1年期租约,我十分厌恶这个租客,其实她在租以前也看过房子理解房子的状况,假如不克不及承受价钱,或不克不及承受屋宇的前提,彻底能够不租,为何还要租呢?我感觉未来她还会有没有数的借口找茬,当初能终止租约吗?我该怎么办?此外,strata company 不回覆,也不派人来修漏水,应该要怎么办才好?唉,由于家里白叟身材欠好,我比来几年都在中国,这个房子都租好几年了,都没遇到这样的租客,当初好烦啊,要怎么办才好?请各位大侠支招! |