发表于 2021-5-13 15:57:18
应该能够的,刚看了centrelink 的information,
For a two year AoS, the bank guarantee amount is $5000 for one adult and $7000 where there are two adults on the same
visa application. For a 10 year AoS, the amount is $10 000 for one adult and $14 000 if there are two adults on the same visa
application. Where the assurer is an organisation, the bank guarantee is $10 000 for a two year AoS and $20 000 for a 10 year AoS,
regardless of whether there are one or two adults covered by the assurance.
organisation均可以,joint account应该也没问题,否则的话要本人去问银行,或参考http://www.centrelink.gov.au/int ... s/mcco148_0802b_en/$File/mcco148_0802_en.pdf |