Evidence of your identity in the co妹妹unity
One passport-sized photograph and identity
declaration signed by an Australian citizen with the
appropriate authority
上面又提到Identity declaration
Applicants 18 years of age or over
As well as your proof of identity documents, you will need
to provide an identity declaration and an endorsed passportsized
photograph of yourself.
The identity declaration must be completed and signed by
an Australian citizen who:
• has known you for at least one year and belongs to a
profession on the list on page 9, and
• is not related to you by birth, marriage or de facto
relationship, and
• is easy to contact by telephone during normal working
请问这两个是一回事不,是找一集体签字就行了,仍是要找两集体,假如 是同样的,为何要说两遍啊?
还有就是照片要一张仍是两张啊,我看表格阐明的意思似乎是一张就行,为何不少同窗说是两张照片呢? |