In Australia, you would still get daily interest rate when you have early cancellation of your term deposits account. Of course, the rate is not as high as your original term deposits rate. You would still get little interest amount.
% of term completed Interest Rate Reduction
Less than 25% -3% p.a
25% to less than 50% -2.5% p.a
50% to less than 75% -2%p.a
75% to less than 90% -1.50%p.a
90% to less than 100% - 1.0%p.a
以你的状况,还剩2个月,就是在75% to less than 90% 这一挡,所以会给你在原来的利息上减去这个数,就是5%-1。5%= 3。5%。也就是说,你会无利息,然而以3。5%算,再也不以5%算。