新冠感染后总的心脏疾病率,是打了2针疫苗之后心脏故障率的5.6 倍,是打了1针疫苗之后心脏疾病率的69倍。
The overall risk of heart conditions after Covid infection was up to 5.6 times higher compared to the second vaccine dose. The risk was up to 69 times higher after infection compared to the first shot.
The CDC examined the electronic health records of more than 15 million people ages 5 and older across 40 health-care systems from Jan. 2021 through Jan. 2022. Scientists studied the risk of developing a cardiac condition after a Covid infection compared to the first and second doses of Pfizer and Moderna’s vaccines.
https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/01/ ... tion-cdc-finds.html |